Petticoat is an 8-part Dutch drama series based on the successful musical of the same name. The series tells the story of Patricia Jagersma, or Pattie (played by Abbey Hoes), from Groningen. Together with her father (Hajo Bruins), Pattie lives in a small dike house in the Groningen countryside. Her biggest dream is to become a successful singer. When one day the bus of the famous Dutch band The Petticoats gets stranded in her village and Pattie comes to the aid of the band members, she decides to really go for it. Despite all the warnings from her father and her best friend Peter, Pattie moves to the big city. In search of the life she so passionately desires. Slowly but surely, Pattie gets to know herself and the showbiz world better and better….
Besides Abbey Hoes and Hajo Bruins, Petticoat stars Anneke Blok (as Aunt Gerda), Freek Bartels (as Maurice), Marlijn Weerdenburg (as Mimi), Alex Hendrickx (as Peter), Kay Greidanus (as Willem) and Martijn Fischer (as Fred). At the annual Golden Calf awards ceremony, Abbey won the 2017 Golden Calf for Best Actress in a Television Drama for her role as Pattie.
Petticoat is a co-production with Kemna en Zonen.
Broadcast in fall 2016 by KRO-NCRV on NPO 1.